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RML is pleased to introduce the new ORI-SS-LSA Casing Patch


Casing leaks and damaged completion issues need solutions that can resist harsh environments while maintaining oil and gas production at satisfactory levels.

Now casing integrity can be restored with this innovative product without the possibility of prematurely setting the seal during installation regardless of well conditions. This is due to the Casing Patch’s unique and robust design. It allows large ID access for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) operations with superior results. The Casing Patch is a remedial patch solution to maintain the casing integrity of oil and gas wells.

The Casing Patch is effectively suited to these downhole oilfield challenges.

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  1. Utilizes only a hydraulic setting tool to set the seal.
  2. No mechanical manipulation required for setting the seal.
  3. By design, the Casing Patch seal cannot be accidentally set under any circumstances.
  4. Tested to 22.2 daN (50,000 lbs) downward force with zero force applied to the element.
  5. Can be dressed for thermal applications with seal rating of 343°C or 650°F.
  6. ID of 112 mm (4.40”) on the 127 mm x 177.8 mm (5” x 7”) Casing Patch.
  7. Half-muled and beveled lower entry guide.
